Pediatria pre prax 1/2015

Problems due to nutrition during the first year of life

The first year of infant’s life is characterised by transition from liquid food, ideally breastfeeding, to solid type of foods. In the early period the infant nutrition is affected by the prenatal period and complications of its course. Important role may play inborn defects and metabolic disorders. Nevertheless there is an important role of parent´s approach to pediatrician´s advice. The most common problems related to nutrition in the early period are vomiting, flatulence, failure to thrive and diarrhea. It is possible to solve these symptoms promoting good clinical examination of the infant after having asked the detailed history and while respecting expert´s recommendation. The crucial role of first line healthcare service is to separate the minor difficulties from situations that require intervention of a specialist.

Keywords: breastfeeding, weaning, vomiting, flatulence, failure to thrive, cow´s milk allergy.