Pediatria pre prax 6/2023

An uprising of pyogenic streptococci

Streptococcus pyogenes is the most frequent cause of bacterial pharyngitis and tonsilitis in school-age children. Peak incidence of the disease is during winter months and the early spring. Outbreaks in schools and kindergartens are frequently reported. Other common diseases caused by the bacteria are scarlet fever and impetigo. Rarely we have been used to see more severe forms of pyogenic streptococcal infections in children. However it seems that situation has changed in many countries after the end of covid-19 pandemic. Apart from higher incidence of common infections caused by Streptococcus pyogenes there is a rise in atypical clinical manifestations which we are used to see in other pathogens like pneumococci anf staphylococci. Higher occurence of extremenly severe and invasive forms of pyogenic streptococcal infections has been reported too, related to a higher incidence of deaths from these diseases in children during last several months. Early recognition of patients with risk factors for severe manifestations of the infection and their treatment are therefore crucial in clinical practice.

Keywords: invasive streptococcal diseases, M protein, varicella zoster, cellulitis