Pediatria pre prax 2/2023

Post-covid complications in children

SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus belongs to the group of viruses which can cause severe acute respiratory syndrome. The virus was identified in 2019 and the infection spread world widely. The main symptoms in adults are severe respiratory symptoms characterized primarily by viral pneumonia with possible respiratory failure. However, the disease in childhood is mostly asymptomatic or with a very mild course. Although the course of the viral disease itself may not be serious, pediatric patients remain a vulnerable group, mainly due to the development of the so-called post-covid complications or post-covid syndrome. The most serious complication after the acute disease in children is still the multisystem inflammatory syndrome (MIS-C). No less important is so-called long covid, which significantly affects the quality of life of paediatric patients after overcoming the infection. The aim of our work is to point out the most common post-covid complications and the possibilities of their screening and management by paediatricians. Early and correct recognition of the symptoms of MIS-C and long covid and their subsequent proper treatment can lead to early recovery and a significant improvement in the quality of life of patients.

Keywords: coronavirus, MIS-C, long covid, post-covid, screening, management