Pediatria pre prax 5/2012

Comparison of family functionality as prevention CAN syndrome on children

Family recognition, especially diagnosing of its disorders in relation to a child has a big importance from a perspective of torture prevention, abuse and children neglecting – CAN syndrome which occurs in the non-functional families. In the article, we focused on the comparison of family functionalities. Using the questionnaire of family functionality (QFF), that is particularly convenient from the point of preventive approaches and solutions we have evaluated family as functional, problematic, dysfunctional and non-functional..In the file of children from outpatient departments that represented ordinary child population, there were 19.8% of non-functional families and in the file of children from social institutions, that represented risk child population, there were 99% of non-functional families. In comparison to children from outpatient departments and children from sanitary facilities, we have ascertained statistically significant differences. Between the regions in the file of children from outpatient departments, we have not ascertained statistically differences in the family functionality. Our results of research were similar to the ones in the Czech Republic.

Keywords: family, functionality, child, prevention, CAN syndrome.