Polohová plagiocefália: súčasné trendy v diagnostike a liečbe // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 2/2024

Positional plagiocephaly: current trends in diagnosis and treatment

Positional (syn. deformational) plagiocephaly (PP) is the most common craniofacial deformity of childhood, manifested by an asymmetric shape of the skull. It occurs predominantly within the context of following factors: preference for supine position, instrumental delivery, multiple pregnancy, prematurity and neonatal torticollis. The diagnosis of PP includes clinical and anthropometric examination with an emphasis on the difference between the diagonal dimensions of the head. Radiological diagnosis of uncomplicated PP is not indicated. Treatment is almost exclusively conservative, based mainly on corrective head positioning. For more severe deformities in patients older than 4 months, treatment with a cranial orthosis can be considered. Despite the increasing incidence, PP has a benign course and a favorable prognosis. In the article, we present current trends in the diagnosis and treatment of this disorder.

Keywords: craniosynostosis, orthotherapy, plagiocephaly