Pediatria pre prax 1/2007

Community acquired pneumonia in children

Community acquired pneumonia remains a significant cause of morbidity in children under the age of five, patients suffering from immunodeficiency and other chronic diseases. The diagnosis of pneumonia is based on clinical symptoms, physical examination and mainly x-ray imaging. The causative agent of pneumonia in children is difficult to demonstrate and etiology cannot be established in 14 – 52 %. This is due to problems of taking adequate material for microbiological tests. The principal approach to the management of pneumonia in childhood includes the administration of antibiotics. Since the etiological agent remains unknown at the begining of the disease, initial treatment is empirical. The choice of the antibiotic takes into account the most common pathogens causing pneumonia and their sensitivity to antibiotics, epidemiological situation, patient´s age and associated risks factors.

Keywords: community acquired pneumonia, diagnosis, treatment, children