Pediatria pre prax 1/2009

Pneumonia in ambulatory pediatric practice

Community – acquired pneumonia is still one of the most common disease affecting the people of all age groups, namely children. It is „daily bread“ of the primary pediatric practice. Despite the pneumonia is the one nosologic entity, its etiology, clinical forms, course, severity and therapy are extremly variable, according the age, comorbidity, etc., and pediatrician should take into account many factors influencing his therapeutic strategy. Presented article summarise conditions of the decision on the pediatric primary care level. Although the chest x-ray is the standard diagnostic tool in case of pneumonia, the first decision is made namely on the basis of clinical stage, disease comorbidity, age, epidemiologic and social condition of the patient. Presented paper gives the guideline for such decision on the primary pediatric care level.

Keywords: community – acquired pneumonia, chilhood, primary care diagnostics.