Péče o kůži novorozence a kojence // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 2/2005


Once of the essentials of health care for newborns and toddlers includes their skin care. For skin, to fulfill all it´s functions well, all layers have to be adequately developed and work in harmony. This article explains the differences between skin of premature and term newborn babies and that of adults. The risks of systemic intoxication during application of external preparation is mentioned. Essential points of care for skin of newborns is explained (limiting the physical damage to the skin, limiting transepidermal loss of water, maintenance of thermostability, protection from infection etc.). Principles of skin care, including general hygiene, care od diaper areas, care of hair and nails in healthy children are discussed. Also the principles of care during early presentation of skin disorders are discussed. A proper skin treatment and care can enhance skin´s ability to protect itself as well as to prevent skin disorders.

Keywords: attributes and differences of newborn´s skin, washing and bathing, diaper area, enhancement of skin defensive properties, protection from external factors.