Pediatria pre prax S1/2011

Recommendations for diagnosis and treatment of dyslipidaemia in children and adolescents

The origin of atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases begin in childhood. Dyslipidaemias are very frequent in daily clinical practice of pediatricians. Following recommendation is focus on issue of dyslipidaemias in children and adolescents, as most important and earliest detectable risk factor of cardiovascular disease. Early diagnosis and therapy may prevents and retards process of atherosclerosis and decreases cardiovascular morbidity and mortality in adulthood. One of the main tasks of pediatricians is to have preventive influence on the entire pediatric population, but especially screening, diagnosis and adequate therapy children in high risk of premature atherosclerosis. (Alg. 3, Tab. 8) (21)

Keywords: dyslipidaemia, children, adolescents, recommendations, cardiovascular diseases, prevention.