Pediatria pre prax 2/2011

Nutrigenomics in the concept of children‘s early nutrition

The affect of nutrition upon the expression of genes is handled by nutrigenomics. In the context of metabolic programming inadequate nutrition of foetus and postneonatals may significantly influence the health condition of an individual in the adult age. An unsuitable nutrition increases the risk of development of the metabolic syndrome and related disorders in adulthood. The original Barker´s theory is currently verified by number of other studies, and reflected in the practical implementations. For paediatric practice knowledge of nutrigenomics is a further argument to support breast-feeding. In the event of a human milk shortage then to assist formulas customized by nutrition engineering. Nutrigenomics further forms the approach of a medical GP to nutrition of sucklings and toddlers adequate to their stage of growth and development.

Keywords: nutrigenomics, nutritional, metabolic engineering, programming, nutrition of the fruit, early child nutrition.