Pediatria pre prax 5/2007


Immunization against human papillomaviruses is the first vaccination against neoplasma – cervical carcinoma. Vaccine Silgard effective even against genital warts cased by human papillomaviruses typ 6 and 11 has been already registered in the Czech Republic. Competitor´s vaccine Cervarix is registered since September 2007, too. Both vaccines prove their practically 100 % efficacy based on numerous studies and cover more than 70 % of carcinomas of the cervix. Combined with screening vaccination gives assumption of this serious carcinoma effective control worldwide. Vaccine is recommended for the mass immunization in girls aged 12 years and selective immunization of women under 26 years. Boys´ immunization is due to economic reason under discussion up to now.

Keywords: HPV, vaccines, cervical carcinoma.