Pediatria pre prax 3/2018

Návrh štandardného protokolu sonografického skríningu obličiek u novorodencov a ďalšieho diagnostického a liečebného postupu

Design of a standard ultrasound kidney screening protocol in newborns and other further diagnostic and treatment procedure In our article we repeatedly emphasize the importance of sonographic renal screening in newborns, and we also want to point out the possibilities of further diagnostic and treatment in the case of a positive screening test. Despite the fact that neonatal kidney screening in the Slovak Republic is done nationwide, there are certain problems at the various stages of its implementation. We believe that the proven and proposed procedures should be standard as these procedures are a useful tool for improving the quality of health care of the population and also affect public health. The aim of this article is to emphasize the need for screening sonography of the kidneys in newborns and also to introduce the proposed standard diagnostic and therapeutic procedure to the professional public.

Keywords: guideline, newborn, kidney, obstructive uropathy, approach, protocol, screening, standard