Pediatria pre prax 4/2009

Tools for an early diagnosis of pertussis

Recently, pertussis cases in adolescents and adults are reported with increasing frequency in many countries. Adults are a reservoir for infections in very young infants, in whom pertussis may be severe and life-threatening. Vaccination of adolescents and adults as a prevention strategy is now possible with acellular pertussis vaccines, which are well tolerated, immunogenic and effective. Adolescent boosters and the vaccination of health-care workers are already included in vaccination calendars in some countries. Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is a very important laboratory diagnostic tool for early confirmation of pertussis, considering atypical and severe course of the illness in infants and subclinical manifestation in adolescents and adults. Differential diagnosis of Bordetella infections should be performed when persistent cough, apnea, cyanosis and spasmas are present.

Keywords: Bordetella pertussis, Bordetella parapertussis, pertussis, PCR.