Pediatria pre prax 1/2015

Management of community acquired pneumonia in infants and children older than 3 months

Community acquired pneumonia (CAP) can be defined as an acute inflammatory process localised in respiratory bronchioles, alveoli and interstitium, which developed in healthy individuals without connection with the hospital. According to the World Health Organization more than 2 million children younger than 5 years die of CAP every year. In more than 80% of children upto 2 years the etiology is viral, in older children bacterial and atypical microorganisms play an important role. Microbiological and serological tests are routine part of diagnostic process. At the beginning, the treatment is empirical, mostly using antibiotics according to local epidemiologic situation and overall physical condition of patient. The following step of management is adjusting the therapy according to microbiologic results. Very important role in prevention play vaccination, nutritional state of child and healthy way of living.

Keywords: community acquired pneumonia, child, bacteria, diagnosis, treatment, prevention.