Pediatria pre prax 2/2022

Psoriasis management in children

Psoriasis is a chronic, inflammatory disease with a recurrent process. The disease is more common in adulthood, but first manifestations may appear in the childhood. A trigger is needed for the genetically predisposed patient to develop the disease. Factors such as trauma, infections and drugs are among the main triggers that affect the development of psoriasis. The basic pathophysiological process is the activation of the immune system, with the subsequent formation of psoriatic lesion. A typical feature of psoriasis is the acceleration of keratinocyte proliferation compared to healthy skin. What exactly causes the activation of the immune system in psoriasis is not explained in detail. The cytokines and IL-23, which activate Th17 lymphocytes, are particularly involved in pathogenesis. T-cell cytokines subsequently cause chronic skin inflammation, which leads to the formation of a psoriatic lesion. The basic primary efflorescence in psoriasis is the papule or sharply demarcated deposit, which is covered with typical silvery scales that separate relatively easily from the surface. The clinical image and therapy of pediatric patients is different from adults, treatment in childhood has certain limits. The aim of the article is to summarize the current knowledge from the literature on childhood psoriasis, in order to point out certain differences in comparison with the adult patient.

Keywords: psoriasis, immune mechanisms, pediatric patient, treatment options