Liečba inzulínovou pumpou u detí s diabetes mellitus 1. typu // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 3/2016

Insulin pump treatment in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus

The goal of the treatment of type 1 diabetes mellitus is to achieve tight glycemic control in order to prevent chronic complications. Basis of such therapy is supplementation of deficit insulin, augmented by specific diet regimen, regular physical activity and selfmonitoring of blood glucose levels. Intensive insulin therapy includes either multiple daily inuslin injections or insulin pump usage. Randomised controlled studies and meta-analyses have evaluated insulin pump therapy as more effective compared to use of multiple daily insulin injections in both adults and children. High effectivity is reached by better metabolic control of diabetes and reduction of both hypoglycemia events and glycemic variability as well as by better quality of life. We summarize basic characteristics of recent options of insulin pump therapy, its opportunity to be connected with glucose sensor as well as the future course of this treatment in children with type 1 diabetes mellitus.

Keywords: insulin pump, CSII, CGMS, closed-loop