Pediatria pre prax 2/2016

Skin diseases that are not treated with antibiotics, local corticosteroids and local immunomodulators

Anti-inflammatory effect and the availability of corticosteroids leads to a flat-rate use in inflammatory skin diseases. Inflammation as a basic defense mechanism can be caused by microorganisms, where corticosteroids or topical immunomodulators also antimicrobic antibiotics are ineffective, even suppressing inflammation support them. Such infections are diseases caused by filamentous fungi and yeast. The authors present a history, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, microscopic examination as required for etiological diagnosis and treatment. Errors of diagnosis and treatment are demonstrated in case reports, images of clinical signs and microscopic examination. In the discussion are shown, other groups of skin diseases where corticosteroids are ineffective. Virus diseases Molluscum contagiosum, infection and superinfection caused by the herpes simplex virus and bacterial infections – impetigo.

Keywords: tinea in children, microscopic diagnosis, errors of clinical diagnosis, errors of treatment