Komplexní metabolické změny u obézních dětí // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 2/2012

Komplex metabolic changes in children with obesity

According to current statistics, there are at an average child‘s general practice about seventy children registered with obesity, including fifty children indicated for long-term treatment of obesity due to medical indications and fifteen children are intended for targeted modifications in their diet. Currently, we are exposed to pandemic common obesity, which is a chronic metabolic disease with societal consequences. Common obesity mainly reflects an early onset of cardio-metabolic risk, but the clinical picture of complications of childhood obesity is broader and includes not only the risk of life-limitation, but also respiratory, gastrointestinal, neurological, orthopaedic and endocrine complications along with serious psychosocial problems. The effects caused by childhood obesity are reversible initially, and early identification and treatment is a major clinical challenge in preventing the development of serious metabolic, organ, psychological and societal complications.

Keywords: obesity in children, kardio-metabolic risk, metabolic syndrom, liver steatosis, obstructive sleep apnea syndrom