Pediatria pre prax 6/2008


Epilepsy is the most common chronic disorder in childhood manifested by repeated epileptic attacks. Epilepsies are a group of disorders with different etiology, clinical picture, course and treatment. Anti-epileptic therapy is aimed to achieve seizure free condition, without effects on psychic a physic performance. The choice of anti-epileptic drug depends on the form of convulsions, however, mainly on the form of epilepsy or epileptic syndrome. The seizure free condition or significant reduction of seizures is achieved in greater part of children. The pharmaceutical therapy is not successful in 20 – 30% of children and the disorder is pharmacoresistent. It may be treated by epileptosurgery, vagus nerve stimulation and ketogenic diet. Despite of remarkable achievements in diagnostic and treatment epilepsy remains important medical and social issue.

Keywords: epilepsy treatment, pharmacotherapy, antiepileptic drugs, pharmacoresistency, epileptosurgery, ketogenic diet, vagus nerve stimulation.