Pediatria pre prax 3/2009

Tick-borne encephalitis in childhood

Tick-borne encephalitis (TBE) is the most frequent infection of central nervous system in the Czech Republic due to low level vaccinated people (16%). The occurrence of TBE is limited on endemic areas. It has a seasonal feature (from April to November). Annually in the Czech republic there are reported 400–1 039 cases with the incidence 5,9/105 inhabitants. It is the disease of „free time“, occupational cases are rare. The disease, is affecting especially adults, men suffer from TBE more frequently (63 %). The children and teenagers participate in till 16 %. Diagnosis is based on detection of the antibodies against virus in serum and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF), and confirmation of aseptic inflammation in CSF. Specific virostatic treatment does not exist so far. TBE is disease with prolongation of recovery and possibility of permanent sequelae. Mortality is 0,5–1,4 %. The availability of an effective vaccine helps us to prevent this severe illness.

Keywords: tick-borne encephalitis, incidence, clinical course, treatment, prevention, childhood.