Pediatria pre prax 2/2022

Clinical symptoms of lymphoepithelial tissue hypertrophy in children

The aim of this study was to focus more on the clinical manifestations resulting from this pathological condition on the group of 67 (26 girls and 67 boys) pediatric patients of Pediatrics otorhinolaryngology clinic MF CU and NICD in Bratislava. The mean age of patients was 5.82 years, the youngest patient was 2 years and the oldest 16 years old. We evaluated these manifestations 6 months after the adenoidectomy or tonsillotomy or tonsillectomy. For the evaluation, we used two standardized questionnaires, specifically Ear history pediatrics questionnaire and Sleep-related breathing disorder questionnaire completed by parents of patients before and after surgery. The questionnaires included questions regarding symptoms of snoring, sleepiness, inattention/hyperactivity, symptoms of ADHD and ear infections. After 6 months we used Final questionnaire, which we have compiled from two previously mentioned questionnaires, for evaluating changes in these clinical manifestations. After surgery a significant improvement in mentioned clinical symptoms occurred in most patients, or they have completely disappeared.

Keywords: hypertrophy of lymphoepithelial tissue, nasopharyngeal tonsil, palatine tonsils, adenotomy, tonsillectomy, tonsillotomy, clinical symptoms