Indikácie na adenotómiu // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 2/2014

Indication to adenoidectomy

Adenoid vegetation (AV) occurs frequently in children of preschool age. The most common symptoms are caused by mechanical and obstructive reasons or appears as focal infection. The most common indication for adenoidectomy is permanent obstruction of the nose, runny nose, snoring, hearing loss, recurrent otitis, recurrent infections of the upper and lower respiratory tract and sleep apnea syndrome. The treatment is surgical removal of hypertrophic lymphoid tissue from the nasopharynx – adenoidectomy. Adenoidectomy under endoscopic visual control provides background to perfect and complete removal of the lymphatic tissue of the nasopharynx. The result is improving of hearing and unobstructed breathing through the nose.

Keywords: endoscopic adenoidectomy, adenoid vegetation, indication to adenoidectomy, reccurent respiratory diseases, otitis media, children.