Pediatria pre prax 4/2020

Hypoglycemia in accelerated fasting

Hypoglycemia in accelerated fasting, also called idiopathic ketotic hypoglycemia, is a relatively common diagnosis that every pediatrician encounters during the clinical practice. Due to insufficient glucose production during fasting for more than a few hours, hypoglycemia develops and massive ketone body formation is activated, often accompanied by vomiting and metabolic acidosis. Diagnosis is mainly based on the exclusion of other causes of hypoglycemia, which are often more severe. Treatment includes adjustment of the glycemia and support of metabolism of ketone bodies. However, the prevention of this conditions is crucial, and can be very effective if parents are properly educated. The prognosis of accelerated starvation is usually good, the condition improves during the puberty. In our review, we will focus on the clinical aspects of hypoglycemia in accelerated fasting from the pediatrician‘s point of view.

Keywords: hypoglycemia, accelerated starvation, ketotic hypoglycemia, starch