Pediatria pre prax 4/2017

Hemoptysis in children

Hemoptysis is defined as coughin up of blood or the presence of blood in sputum. It tis not a common symptom in children Hemoptoe is term for massive hemoptysis. Extrapulmonary bleeding, such as those arising from the nose, or gastrointestinal tract, may be incorrectly attributed to hemoptysis. This is known as pseudo-hemoptysis. Acute respiratory tract infektion is the single most common case. Foreign body aspiration remains a leading cause in those younger than 4 years of age. Autors retrospectively reviewed the clinical records of the 50 patients admitted to Pediatric Pulmonology Clinic University Hospital Bratislava from January 2007 to Jun 2017.

Keywords: hemoptysis, clinical records, diagnostic evaulation, treatment