Pediatria pre prax S3/2010

Epidemiological aspects of invasive pneumococcal diseases and the impact of wide national vaccination of children against pneumococci in Slovakia

Invasive pneumococcal diseases (IPD) represents significant public health as well as economic issue. Children under the age of 5 years and the elderly are in threat predominantly. Fatality of IPD is very high, 11,5 % in all age groups, 22,5 % in children under the age of 1 year. The increasing antibiotic resistance of pneumococci is very serious problem as well as health impact of IPD on the population. Regular vaccination of children against pneumococci represents suitable preventive measure how to decrease incidence of IPD and to influence ATB resistance indirectly. After 1 year vaccination programme by use of 7-valent pneumococcal vaccine with national coverage was possible to follow significant decreasing the incidence of IPD in children under 1 year from 4,4/100 000 to 0,9/100 000, it means 5 times decreasing. The evaluation of vaccination will require to improve surveillance IPD from long term view as well as of laboratory diagnostic including serotypization of pneumococci strains.

Keywords: invasive pneumococcal diseases, surveillance, incidence, morbidity, vaccination.