Pediatria pre prax 6/2015

Thyroid associated orbitopathy in children

Thyroid associated orbitopathy is a chronic eyes disease associated with autoimmune reaction against the thyroid gland. Chronic inflammation affectes all orbital structures- orbital fat and connective tissue, extraocular muscles, tear glands and orbital septum. Increasing orbital volume cases eye replacement, disorder of the venous outflow and causes changes of the muscle elastic properties which in turn start pulling the eyeball backwards. The patients with Graves-Basedow tyreotoxikosis are most often occured, less in the chronic autoimmune thyroiditis. Incidence of the thyroid associated orbitopathy isn´t so frequent in children as in adults, the forms aren´t so serious. Prompt and correct diagnosis, quick arrangement of the thyroid gland function, assessment of the activity and seriousness of Graves orbitopathy and correct therapy is essential for other prognosis in children. A complex approach is for treating EO necessary. The European Group of Graves´ Orbitopathy (EUGOGO) recommends that patiens should be treated in specialized centres.

Keywords: Graves orbitopathy, thyroid associated orbitopathy, Graves hyperthyroidism.