Diagnostika osteoporózy u dětí a adolescentů // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 4/2012

Diagnosis of osteoporosis in children and adolescents

Etiopathogenesis of osteoporosis differs substantially between children and adults. The most prevalent cause of childhood osteoporosis is secondary osteoporosis caused by chronic disorder and/or its treatment. Diagnostics of osteoporosis in children is based on DXA and significant clinical history of fractures. Probable course and activity of primary disease should be taken into acount at decision about osteoporosis treatment. The DXA findings should be carefully interpreted with respect to anthropometric parameters, especially height and pubertal stages to avoid overdiagnosis of osteoporosis in short children. This review summarizes the current approach to diagnostics of osteoporosis and indications of densitometric examination.

Keywords: osteoporosis, bone density, children.