Pediatria pre prax 3/2010

Paediatric dermatitides in summertime

The author presents an overview of paediatric dermatitides most commonly encountered by the paediatric dermatologist and general paediatrician in the summertime. One group consists of common skin diseases whose frequent occurrence is due to warm summer conditions and children staying outdoors (impetigo, skin borreliosis, trombiculosis, cercarial dermatitis, reaction to insect bites). The other group includes dermatitides the occurrence of which is related to travel, staying by the sea or excessive sun exposure (contact eczema after henna tattooing, local reactions after contact with jellyfish, solar dermatitis, photodermatitides).

Keywords: summertime dermatitis, impetigo, borreliosis, trombiculosis, cercarial dermatitis, insect bite, henna tattooing, jellyfish stings, solar dermatitis, photodermatitis.