Co víme o dětském astmatu? // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 4/2008


Bronchial asthma is one of the most common chronic diseases worldwide. The prevalence of asthma symptoms in children varies from 1 to more than 30 percent in different populations and is increasing in most countries, especially among young children. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disorder of the airways. Chronically inflamed airways are hyperresponsive; they become obstructed and airflow is limited (by bronchoconstriction, mucus plugs, and increased inflammation) when airways are exposed to various risk factors. A stepwise approach to pharmacologic treatment to achieve and maintain control of asthma should take into account the safety of treatment, potential for adverse effects, and the cost of treatment required to achieve control. As a result of the cooperation between European Academy of Allergology and Clinical Imunology (EAACI) and American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Imunology (AAAAI) an international guideline of diagnosis and treatment of asthma in children (PRACTALL consensus report) was published. The results of this document are discussed in this paper.

Keywords: asthma in children, pharmacotherapy, guidelines for management and prevention.