Cerebrovaskulárne ochorenia u detí // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 4/2012

Cerebrovascular disease in children

Cerebrovascular disease, ischemic stroke, hemorrghagic stroke and sinovenous thrombosis are rather rare conditions in childhood. Ischemic stroke occurs mostly in neonatal period as a complication of congenital heart disease. Hemorrhagic stroke is frequently diagnosed in adolescence as a consequence od rupture of congenital vascular malformation. The diagnosis is based on neuroimaging techniques and laboratory evaluation. Computed tomography and magnetic resonance help to determine a localization and character of vascular disorder, laboratory evaluation contribute to the identification of possible etiology and risk factors. Treatment is symptomatic. Cerebrovascular disease in children has an increasing tendency and due to the potential devastating effect and unfavorable prognosis is considered a serious medical and social problem.

Keywords: cerebrovascular disease, childhood, ischemic stroke, hemorrhagic stroke, sinovenous thrombisis, thrombolysis.