Bradavice a ich liečba u detí // SOLEN

Pediatria pre prax 4/2013

Warts and their treatment in children

Warts are benign epitheliomas of cell proliferation of the skin and mucous membranes, which is caused by papillomavirus infection. The different types of virus‘s DNA in humans cause different clinical manifestations of common warts of the skin after polyps and flat condylomata and participation in the development of cancers of the mucous membranes.Incubation period of warts is several months. Warts occurs as slowly, steadily increasing, persistent skin colored papules which low peeling on the top after a few weeks. The reservoir of infections are people with manifest or latent symptoms. Survival in the environment is not known. Nongenital warts occur most frequently in children and young people on hand and feet with disabilities up to 12%. Anogenital warts in children are rare and are considered a sexually transmitted infection, but are publications about the possibility of vertical transmission from sick mothers during childbirth, or from people with warts. It is described the clinical manifestations of different types of skin and mucosal infections of papillomaviruses, histopathological features and available medical methods of removing warts.

Keywords: human papilloma viruses, warts, treatment, children.