Pediatria pre prax 2/2005


The cooperation between paediatricians and pedagogical-psychological advisory centres has its tradition and development and is truly worth of our attention. Considering the fact, that a child and its healthy development are matters of our common professional interest, the abovementioned cooperation is very important. In spite of not very successful official cooperation (the level of ministries), the cooperation on the level of individual paediatricians and specific advisory centres works often effectively – either in the area of prevention of school difficulties or in the area of diagnosis and care of our clients, who already have school problems developed. From advisor’s point of view, the scholarly risk groups are immature children, children with specific developmental disorders of learning and behaviour, with speech disorders, attention disorders, slow working pace or less talented, and children with combined disorders as well. Paediatrician usually sees the child sooner than the pedagogical-psychological advisory centre does or even substantially before it enters school institution. So, the paediatrician as the first has prerequisites to identify the chance of aforementioned risks – either from patient’s history or from the contact with the child and parent. It will be suitable to mention different areas, where paediatricians and pedagogical-psychological advisory centres are able help children together.

Keywords: scholarly mature, speech disorders, special cognitive abilities, ADHD, specific developmental disorders of learning.