Pediatria pre prax 5/2015

Akútna bolesť na hrudi so zvýšenou sérovou koncentráciou troponínu u športujúceho adolescenta

It is important to measure troponin levels when acute myocardial infarct is suspected. However, increased troponin levels are not synonymous with acute coronary disease, but can also be seen in renal failure, toxic effects of medication and autoimmune conditions, and have been described in acute heart failure, tachycardia, myocarditis, sepsis and pulmonary embolism. Recent studies have shown that normal physical activity can also lead to increase in troponin levels even in healthy individuals. In this paper, a case of a 15 years old athlete is presented, who developed chest pain with increased troponin levels. In this case mycoplasma infection was diagnosed.

Keywords: troponin, mycoplasma, chest pain.