Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 3/2008

Effects of different types of antidecubitus mattresses on microcirculation in derma

Using transcutaneous oxymetry with transcutaneous partial pressure of oxygen measurement (TcPO2) we monitored changes in skin microcirculation above sacrum during positioning on different types of antidecubital bases. The best antidecubital action quantitated by maximal TcPO2 values during supine position had multicomponent mattress Tempur (median of TcPO2 52 mmHg). An airbed was even less effective and foam ruber mattress, polyester base and base with polypropylenic filling demonstrated insufficient antiischaemic effect. Also the most effective mattress Tempur malfunctioned in 4 investigated persons (18 %), when TcPO2 value in supine position was less than 30 mmHg. That means, that despite progress in the quality of antidecubital tools, periodical positioning is for the prevention of decubits imperative.

Keywords: decubitus, transcutaneous oxymetry, antidecubital bases, microcirculation disorders.