Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 3/2011

Tapentadol – new therapeutic concept of pain treatment

Tapentadol is dual-mode centrally active analgesic, which acts in a single molecule as an agonist of mi-opioid receptors and also as an intibitor of noradrenalin reuptake. Althougt its afinty to mí receptors is 50 times lower than that the afinity of morphine, its analgetic potency is only 2 – 3 times lower which is caused by inhibition of noradrenalin reuptake. Several preclinical and clinical studies have demonstrated a good analgetic potency, safety and tolerability of tapentadol in acute as well as in chronic pain.

Keywords: tapentadol, dual mode, theraputic efect, safety profile.