Stav paliatívnej starostlivosti na Slovensku v roku 2022 // SOLEN

Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2022

State of palliative care in Slovakia in 2022

Implementation of palliative care in health care in Slovakia is a slow process. Prognostication and identification of palliative patient is not standard in physician‛s decision making process in Slovakia. Accessibility of palliative care capacities in Slovakia in compare with standards in Europe is 6.7% - 23.9%. Palliative care financing is not sufficient. In mobile hospices the reimbursements from health insurance companies in 2019 covered only 15% of year expenses (NR SR 2022). Education in palliative care is provided by Slovak Health University.

Keywords: palliative patient, specialized palliative care, accesibility, hospice, mobile hospice