Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1-2e/2018

Back pain in children

Back pain is a very frequent symptom in children. Its incidence shows a rising trend in recent years. It has also direct impact in the everyday life of the child. In most cases (95-99%) we cannot identify a clear etiology of the pain, and it is classified as inorganic or unespecified. Among organic causes, spondylolysis and Scheuermann´s disease are the most frequent. Spondylodiscitis, disc herniation and tumors are relatively uncommon. Elimination of risk factors (e.g. sedentary lifestyle, incorrect holding of the body, overweight, etc.) is important in the therapy of inorganic pain. In the cases of organic pain the therapy depends on the etiology.

Keywords: back pain, neck pain, low back pain, children