Paliatívna medicína a liečba bolesti 1/2012

Biopsychosocial model of chronic nonmalignant pain

Roughly 50% of population suffers from chronic pain, the number rises in proportion to age. Approximately 80% of all appoitments with the doctor includes complaints of pain, most often of all indicated is back pain. Today is chronic pain envisaged biopsychosocially, as a result of interaction among physiological, emotional, motivational and cognitive processes. Is the part of several systems and exceeds imaginary limits of single medical specializations. Proving appropriate, that single medical specilities, including psychiatry, understand etiology and treatment of chronic pain. That is why we set in article to biopsychosocial model of chronic pain, comorbidity with psychiatric disorders and next to psychological, behavioral, cognitive and social factors.

Keywords: chronic pain, biopsychosocial model.