Zvýšená tvorba HE4 nádorovými tkanivami a význam jeho stanovenia u pacientov s malígnymi nádormi // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2015

Increased production of HE4 by tumour tissues and its importance of measurement in patients with malignant tumours

The biochemical marker, which we can use for detection of changes in the organism, observation of the progress of disease and the treatment of the patient plays important role in the diagnosis of any disease and especially tumour diseases. Nowadays, it is increased interest for study of biochemical qualities and clinical importance of tumour marker – human epididymal protein 4 (HE4, human epididymal protein 4) in normal tissues and in tissues of patients with malignant tumours. The explanation of HE4 metabolism in the healthy organism, as well as in malignant tumours and in their secondary lesions – metastases can deepen of importance and use this oncological marker not only in female patients with ovarian cancer, but in patients with others malignant diseases in the future, too.

Keywords: human epididymal protein 4, tumour marker, tumour expression, serum concentration, malignant disease.