Onkológia 4/2021

Rare ovarian tumours

Non-epithelial ovarian tumours are rare neoplasms, accounting for about 10% of all ovarian tumours. Compared to ovarian epithelial carcinoma, it often occurs at a younger age and is detected in the early stage of the disease, so the basic goal of the treatment of these tumours is to maintain fertility and minimize the later side effects of chemotherapy resp. radiotherapy. The two basic groups of these tumours are germ cell tumours and sex-cord stromal tumours. The cornerstone of the treatment is surgical debulking, which should be supplemented with platinum-based chemotherapy when advanced stages or adverse histological subtype is present. Several studies are under way to test the effectiveness of other treatment options - such as targeted therapy, hormonal therapy and immunotherapy. The rarity and complexicity of these tumors requires a narrowly specialized multidisciplinary approach in both clinical and scientific research.

Keywords: non-epithelial ovarian cancer, germ cell tumours, sex-cord stromal tumours, fertility sparing surgery, platina-based chemotherapy