Onkológia 6/2015

Liability for damages in medical field

This article focuses on medical liability (liability for damages in medical field). Individuals in the position of health care providers and their employees are confronted with great amount of obligations and liability regimes in criminal, labour, civil law or disciplinary codes. To recognize, get to know and understand them their life long learning is necessary. Even though responsibilities of health care professional are mostly stipulated in the rules of law, many of them are not be found in any law or internal standards. It is because of the existence of the rule to act lege artis what in general means to use a procedure that is scientifically sound, takes into account individual circumstances of case and is performed by educated and trained health care professionals. However, there is no absolute definition of lege artis what causes legal problems in daily medical practice.

Keywords: lege artis, liability for damages, medical field.