Začlenenie bevacizumabu do prvej línie liečby karcinómu vaječníka – retrospektívna analýza // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2015

Integrating bevacizumab in the first line treatment of ovarian cancer – the retrospective analysis

Purpose: The aim of this retrospective analysis was to evaluate efficacy and toxicity of bevacizumab in first line treatment. Patients and methods: 42 patients were treated with chemotherapy plus biological therapy in our clinic from May 2011 to May 2014. Results: Treatment response was 88 % (43 % of that complete response, 40 % partial response, 17 % stable disease). 5 patients had disease progression. Median progression-free survival in our cohort was 24,8 months. Median overall survival was not reached, its estimated mean was 36,4 months. Toxicity was recorded in 60 % (25) patients, overall 36 cases of adverse events. Well tolerated regimen of the treatment and management of the toxicity was proved. Conclusion: Results of the retrospective analysis confirmed bevacizumab efficacy in first line ovarian cancer treatment. The benefit of bevacizumab in the first line treatment of ovarian cancer was confirmed in two randomized clinical studies phase III GOG218 a ICON 7. Based on confirmatory study GOG218 bevacizumab with paclitaxel/carboplatin was approved for first line treatment of adults with advanced epithelial ovarian cancer, primary peritoneal cancer, or fallopian-tube cancer (FIGO stage III B, III C, IV) in Slovakia since January 2012.

Keywords: bevacizumab, ovarian cancer, first line treatment, toxicity, progression free survival.