Význam a možnosti magnetickej rezonancie (MR-mamografie) v diagnostike prsníkových lézií // SOLEN

Onkológia 4/2007

Value and feasibility of magnetic resonance imaging (MR-mamography) in the diagnostic of breast lessions

With the introduction of dynamic contrast imaging, advances in surface coil technology, and development of new imaging protocols, contrast agent–enhanced magnetic resonance imaging of the breast (MR-Mamography) has emerged as a promising modality for detection, diagnosis, and staging of breast cancer. The reported sensitivity of MR imaging for the visualization of invasive cancer has approached 100%. There are many examples in the literature of MR imaging–demonstrated mammographically, sonographically, and clinically occult breast cancer. Often, breast cancer detected on MR images has resulted in a change in therapeutic management of the patient. everybody, who refers patients for breast imaging studies needs to understand the indications for breast MRI, how to obtain and interpret the images, and outcomes of breast MRI in specific cases, as well.

Keywords: MR-Mamography, breast cancer, indications.