Vybrané interakcie liečiv v onkológii // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2011

Selected drug interactions in oncology

Combinations of drugs to increase the efficacy of the pharmacotherapy are commonly used in the treatment of most malignancies. With the number of used drugs raises the risk of interactions, with possible negative impact on patient. Older polymorbid patients with elimination organ damage and frequently present polypragmazy are at especially high risk. An important role also plays the individual predisposition of each patient. Risky are drugs with the small therapeutic window and high interaction potential. In clinical practice, we most often face the pharmacokinetic interactions at level of liver biotransformation by cytochrome P-450. The following article deals with the general characteristics of drug interactions with focus on selected potentially clinically relevant interactions of drugs used in oncological practice.

Keywords: interactions, classification, selected interactions of cytostatics and biological drugs