Vinflunín v liečbe metastatického urotelového karcinómu po progresii na gemcitabíne s cisplatinou – kazuistika // SOLEN

Onkológia 5/2013

Vinflunine in the metastatic urothelial carcinoma treatment after disease progression on gemcitabine with cisplatin – case-report

Introduction: Vinflunine (VFL) was approved for the second-line treatment of patients with locally advanced and metastatic urothelial cancers (MUC) with ECOG 0-1 by EMEA (European Medicines Agency) in 2010 on the basis of phase III study that showed the improvement of survival in comparison to the best supportive care. Objective: To present the case-report of a patient with MUC treated with VFL in the second-line who reached a partial remission and later long-term stabilization of the disease. Results: The MUC patient treated with VFL in the second-line reached the partial remission in his lungs and later a long-term stabilization of the disease with survival 16 months from the start of treatment. His tolerance was very good, no toxicity grade 3 or more was noted. Conclusion: By the authors, VFL monotherapy is currently considered to be the standard second-line treatment of patients with locally advanced and MUC in a good performance status (ECOG 0 a 1) in Slovakia. Its toxicity ia acceptable.

Keywords: metastatic urothelial cancer, vinflunine, standard treatment, partial remission, survival.