Súčasné trendy v chirurgickej liečbe Wilmsovho nádoru // SOLEN

Onkológia 1/2016

Current trends in surgery of Wilms tumor

Purpose: The main objective of this publication is to highlight surgery different findings, which could occur in children with Wilms tumor. Cases: Authors present three cases: 1. partial nephrectomy in unilateral nephroblastoma without contralateral pathology, 2. retrohepatal inferior vena cava resection with nephrectomy due to nephroblastoma, 3. right nephrectomy with left partial nephrectomy in bilateral nephroblastoma with metastatic bone marrow involment. Conclusion: The most of nephroblastoma cases are localised and unilateral (88 %), some cases are complicated by the thrombosis of inferior vena cava (4 – 10 %) respectively they are bilateral (5 – 7 %). Although these cases can be successfully resolved in the workplace with sufficient experience.

Keywords: Wilms tumor, nephroblastoma, nephron sparing surgery, unilateral nephroblastoma, thrombosis of the inferior vena cava