Súčasné možnosti liečby pacientov s mnohopočetným myelómom nevhodných na transplantáciu // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2013

Current treatment options of transplant-ineligible patients with multiple myeloma

The clinical approach to older patients with myeloma has to be modified to take into account comorbidities and the likelihood of higher treatmentrelated toxicity. However, these patients may benefit from novel agents developed and approved over the past decade. Bortezomib, lenalidomide or thalidomide combined with established forms of cytotoxic chemotherapy or steroids are now recommended by evidence-based guidelines for initial therapy of the newly diagnosed nontrasplant patient. These combinations offer overall and complete response rates and in some trials survival benefits leading to significant advancement in the treatment of multiple myeloma for transplant-ineligible patients. These new drugs may also play a key role in maintenance therapy for patients ineligible for transplant and can be used in the relapsed and/or refractory MM settings.

Keywords: multiple myeloma, transplant-ineligible patients, thalidomid, lenalidomid, bortezomib.