Onkológia 2/2021

Proper selection of patients for Radium 223 and its role in metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer treatment

Radium 223 represents one of the currently available treatment options with an impact on overall survival for patients with metastatic castration-resistant prostate carcinoma (CRPC). The first part of this article is focused on both efficacy and safety of Radium 223 in the context of phase 3 study as well as later published patient followed-up data. The second section is devoted to the result of studies with combinations of Radium 223 with abiraterone acetate, enzalutamide, and docetaxel. The following part discusses monitoring of patients before and during treatment with Radium 223, as well as the grounds of its premature discontinuation. The last section focuses on the role of Radium 223 within metastatic CRPC landscape.

Keywords: radium 223, rostate carcinoma, metastatic castration-resistant disease, castration-resistant disease, proper selection of patients, role in the sequence of therapy