Onkológia 3/2020

Follow-up of breast cancer patients for breast cancer

Nearly two-thirds of breast cancer patients survive 10 years. Therefore, their monitoring is necesary both due to possible recurrence, but also due to the late toxicity of treatment they have received. Equally important are aspects of mental, physical and social adaptation. In Slovakia the investigation algorithm is based on ESMO recommendations. Imaging examinations are focused on early diagnosis of local and regional recurrence, which affects patients survival. Management of late toxicity is focused on detection of cardiotoxicity, lymphedema, loss of bone density. Important is also to address mental disorders, cognitive functions, sexual and urological problems. Cancer patient after treatment should be cared for in collaboration with a general practitioner, oncologist, rehabilitation physician, gynecologist, psychiatrist, neurologist, rheumatologist and other professionals.

Keywords: late toxicity of treatment, recurrence, survival, breast cancer, quality of life