Rakovina žalúdka z pohľadu gastroenterológa // SOLEN

Onkológia 3/2011

Gastric cancer – the view of the gastroenterologist

Gastric carcinoma is the most common malignance of the stomach and for many reasons it is one of the most interesting gastroenterology topics. From the epidemiology standpoint, it is because of its high incidence in Eastern Asia, as well as some parts of South America. As far as the cause, the gastric carcinoma is interesting for its connection with Helicobacter Pylori and the debate of potential screening. The diagnostics of this disease opens up the question of „early gastric carcinoma“ and the expansion of possibilities of endoscopic treatment, especially by Japanese and Korean authors. A less positive aspect is the potential paliative influence of advanced diagnoses.

Keywords: gastric carcinoma, Helicobacter pylori, early carcinoma, endoscopic resection.